目前居住在学校招生区的学生有权在我校就读。居住在学校招生区以外的学生将根据 DET 安置政策提供一个视容量而定的地方。
准备 2023
准备入学将在 10 月得到确认,并通知家庭。我们鼓励目前不在我们学区的家庭尽快提交预注册表格和支持文件,但我们学区以外的学生空间有限。
如需更多信息或注册支持,请致电:03 9367 2197 或到前台与我们联系
作为我们致力于培养具有全球意识的公民的一部分,我们学校获得了认可并接受来自世界各地的国际学生。鼓励有兴趣通过国际学生计划在 Albanvale PS 学习的家庭通过 DET VISIT 网站申请,该网站可在此处访问。

1. 通过 Albanvale Dover Street 的正门参观我们的前台
2. 致电 03 9367 2197
3. 下载并填写预注册表格并通过电子邮件发送至:albanvale.ps@education.vic.gov.au
可以下载预注册表格 这里
To Complete the online application form
(Approx 3 minutes to complete)
After you have submitted, a staff member will contact you to confirm your submission.
Please share the QR Code Below with others who might want to join our school

我在哪里可以知道我是否住在指定的学区?在 DET 查找我的学校网站上。您也可以点击这里
我目前住在学区外。我可以为我的孩子报名吗?是的。我们学校遵循 DET 招生指南。这意味着,我们学区内的家庭将获得我们学校的优先名额。欢迎我们学区以外的学生提交预注册表格,我们将接受待定容量
How do I book accomodation?The conference will be held at the Barwon Heads Resort at 13th Beach. If you would like to stay you need to contact and arrange bookings individually. Tell them you are with the DP/S Principal Network for a discounted rate of $299 (1 bedroom apartment) or $399 (2 bedroom apartment). Contact them by email at info@barwonheadsresort.com.au or call (03) 5254 1777. Accommodation is optional and not included in the ticket price.
我需要出示哪些文件才能让我的孩子入学?一旦您提交了预注册,我们的办公室团队将与您联系,为您安排与我们会面的时间。您将被要求携带以下文件: - 地址证明,例如许可证、费率通知或租赁/销售合同 - 医疗保险和医疗保健卡(如果适用) - 出生证明 - 孩子的免疫记录 - Prevoius 学校报告(如果适用) - 与您孩子相关的其他报告或医疗表格
Who can attended the network conference?The conference is designed for School Principals and Assistant Principals (substantive and acting) in the Deer Park/Sunshine Network.
What are the details for the Network dinner?The network dinner will commence with pre-dinner drinks from 6:00pm. At 6:30, food service will begin as guests are seated. The Geelong Comedy Club will provide dinner entertainment for 90 minutes before space is made and dance floor is open.
Is attendance mandatory?Although not explicitly mandatory, it is expected that school leaders within our network will prioritise this exceptional learning and networking opportuntiy.